O Filicídio na teoria psicanalítica e seus (des) enlaces na cultura brasileira

Written by Samanta Antoniazzi and Amadeu de Oliveira Weinmann
Editorial coordination by Rosana Nora e Claudia Perrone
Illustrations by Caio Mascarello
Publisher Editora Criação Humana

Abstract: “O filicídio na teoria psicanalítica e seus (des)enlaces na cultura brasileira” (book not translated to english yet) questions the status of filicide as a concept on psychoanalysis. Therefore, it gazes at psychoanalytic movement: would filicide be a blind spot on theory? If, on the one hand, Freud has not lent an ear to filicide, on the other hand, it has become evident an increasing interest from psychoanalysts around this theme. If we aim to think the lack of look to such theme on psychoanalytic movement, we also inquire if filicide is not a blind spot on culture itself. In this sense, we analyze two productions of contemporaneous Brazilian culture: the Constitutional Amendment Proposal justification that seeks to reduce criminal age from 18 to 16 years old, and the movie City of God, by Fernando Meirelles. As foundation to such cultural psychoanalytic approaches, we resort to two Freudian works: Delusions and Dreams in Jensen's ‘Gradiva’ and The Moses of Michelangelo. From the analysis undertaken, we point out filicide in Brazil through the extermination of black and poor young people, endorsed by a culture that does not stop denying and repeating its colonial history. Filicide turns up to be understood in an intimate connection with death drive. Narcissism and death drive are bind up to filicide through the deadly marks of parental investments on the infans, both when imbued with desire (a kid fixed on its parents ideal) and when deadly counterinvested (a kid inscribed on its parents ideal reverse). If the culture is sustained by the murder of a despotic father and its retroactive interdiction, we identify filicide as logically earlier to parricide, since it involves the return to a time when the infans link to its father is not mediated symbolically. 

Book launch with the autors. Photos by Camila Togni
Book available at Editora Criação Humana
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